An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to protecting your long-term health. For Venu Prabaker, MD, and the team at Healthcare Medical Group of La Mesa, taking aggressive preventive care measures is the foundation of good health. The team is trained to spot health concerns early on and help you take the necessary steps to prevent chronic disease.
As a cornerstone of primary care medicine for patients of all ages, preventive care aims to help you avoid the kinds of serious chronic diseases and disorders that can generally be preempted by routine health screenings and targeted lifestyle changes.
Although its primary mission is to help you avoid long-term conditions and disorders like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, aggressive preventive care strategies can also help you keep any existing health problems under control.
How does preventive care work?
Preventive care combines routine wellness exams with recommended health screenings to give you an accurate evaluation of your current health and identify any factors or problems that may increase your risk of developing a chronic disease.
Dr. Prabaker and his team use a variety of methods to help patients stay healthy, including:
- Routine blood pressure screenings
- Regular cholesterol screenings
- Annual body mass index (BMI) score
- Sensory (hearing and vision) screenings
- Patient-specific cancer screenings
- Sexually transmitted disease testing
- Diabetes screening
Comprehensive annual exams and patient-specific screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies are designed to help you uncover hidden health risks and problems as soon as possible.
How do immunizations help with preventive care?
Routine immunizations are another important component of preventive care that can protect you from a range of infectious diseases, including influenza. Vaccines expose your immune system to a safe level of weak or dead viral or bacterial material in an effort to teach your body how to defend itself against those germs.
In addition to getting an annual flu shot, it’s recommended that all adults stay current with the Tdap vaccination, which covers tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Depending on your age and immunization history, you may also need additional vaccinations against vaccine-preventable illnesses like shingles or measles.
Why is preventive care important?
Dr. Prabaker takes an aggressive approach to preventive care, driven by his passion for helping his patients reach better health and quality of life. Health education is a vital part of preventive care, giving you the information, skills, and support you need to make healthier choices on your own behalf.
With each annual physical and wellness exam, Dr. Prabaker strives to help you understand the deep and lasting effect that a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and wholesome lifestyle choices can have on your immediate well-being and long-term health. He offers advice and support to help you:
- Reach and maintain a healthy body weight
- Make smarter nutritional choices every day
- Incorporate more exercise in your routine
- Improve sleep duration and consistency
- Address chronic stress more effectively
- Quit smoking or control excessive drinking